Learn English Grammar. There is so much to know we grow lots of things. So, baby, it has so much to game so much you
Learn English Grammar
hey, guys what's the zingers drama all about. I need your help guys yes gobby do you know about English grammar hey guys what are you all talking about no lovely let us ask Sandy and Aisha hey guys what's this English drama. All about no guys let us ask move on to my magic machine has my buzz hello children. What's the problem can you help us out of this problem.
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Soap children what's the problem huh it's so easy I'll teach you all. hello, children now let us all learn more about nouns the definition for a noun is a noun refers to the name of a person place animal or a thing now for example. I love chocolates in this sentence the word chocolate is a now let's say Mumbai is a big city in this sentence
children the word city is a now child. did you know that nouns can be divided into common nouns and proper nouns common noun refers to the common name of a person place or thing um say like the words school dog tree. all these words are common nouns, for example, children love sweets and I am going to school children in the above sentences the words children sweets and school are all common nouns now that we have spoken about common nouns children. let us now speak about proper nouns the proper noun refers to the particular. name of a person place or thing and always remember that a proper noun always begins with a capital letter just like the words.
James Mumbai and December all these words begin with a capital letter, for example, John likes toys and Jenny is a good girl in the above two sentences DOM and Jenny both are proper nouns well Sharon do you know what a collective noun is no nevermind I'll tell you a collective noun refers to the Learn English Grammar name given to a group of people animals or things say for example an army of soldiers or a flock of sheep let's see.
Some more examples of collective nouns the crowd was shouting I have got a bunch of flowers in the above sentences, children, the words ground and Bunch not collective nouns and now children let's learn the difference between countable and uncountable nouns countable nouns refer to things that can be counted for example Rohan has two bags.
I have five pencils in the above sentence children the words bags and pencils are countable nouns because they can be counted now let's see what uncountable nouns are uncountable nouns refer to things that cannot be counted they are always singular in form for example I like to eat sugar he has little milk in the above sentences the words sugar and milk are uncountable nouns because can you count sugar and milk no children did you also know that nouns can be singular or plural. Learn English Grammar
A singular noun refers to one person or one thing, for example, a boy a leaf and a pail plural noun refers to more than one person or thing plural nouns are made by the addition of s es IES or vest, for example, the word boys you add the letter S to the word boy and you get boys you add the letters vest to the word leaf and it is transformed into the word leaves and also see the word pen the word pen becomes pens if you add an S of the pen don't you see children did you also know that there is another type of noun called the possessive now-now a possessive noun refers to the relation of a thing to the person a possessive noun is made by adding apostrophe s to the now, for example, this is Rams umbrella the above sentence shows that the umbrella belongs to run.
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Today is Maya's birthday party the above sentence here shows that the birthday party is of Maya now children genders are of four types let us see what they are the first is the masculine gender which refers to male living things for example father son brother uncle or lion the second gender is the feminine gender which refers to female living things for example mother daughter sister auntie on lioness now the third gender is the common gender you're the word kept either be a male or a female for example student cousin servant and the fourth and the last gender is the neuter gender which is neither a male not a female for example all those things without life like books three eggs children do you know what compound nouns are Idol compound nouns refer to the new word pump by combining two or more words for example class plus room equals two classrooms and ice plus cream increase ice cream. Learn English Grammar
I'm sure our love ice cream children now let us learn about the pronoun it is a very important part of a noun, for example, Rahul is absent because he is ill in the above sentence children the word he is a pronoun because it is used instead for Rahul now in a second example this house is very old it is falling down in the above sentence.
The word it is a pronoun because it is used instead of the thing house children now let us learn about a personal pronoun. Learn English Grammar a personal pronoun refers to some specific person place or thing and personal pronouns are of three types the first person pronoun the second person pronoun and the third person pronoun now the first person pronoun refers to a person speaking example. Learn English Grammar
I saw an elephant the words I and we our first person pronounced second person pronouns refer to the person spoken to for example you do you have an extra pencil and the third person pronoun refers to the person or thing or people or things spoken about, for example, he/she/it they all these are third person pronouns. Learn English Grammar
Rahm said he had met her in this sentence the words II and her are third-person pronouns did you all understand children okay children now are of three types the first mine we use the word mind or the Ownership of the first person the second person possessive pronoun this book is yours here we use the word yours to refer to the ownership of the second.
Person let's learn about possessive pronouns now what is a possessive pronoun a possessive pronoun refers to ownership that is something belonging to somebody possessive pronouns the third person possessive pronoun this book is horse your we use the word horse to refer to the ownership of the third person words like his horse there's all these words are used as the third-person possessive pronouns. Learn English Grammar
Now let us learn about reflexive pronouns reflexive pronouns refers back to the subject of the sentence where reflexive noun is the object of the sentence for example I saw myself in the mirror you're myself refers to the person or thing that is the subject a reflexive pronoun can also be used to emphasise nouns and pronouns so it is also called as emphatic pronoun example Tom has done his work himself hate children now let's learn about demonstrative pronouns a demonstrative pronoun is mainly used to point out persons or things this and these are used for persons or things that are near the speaker that and those are used for persons or things that are away from the speaker. Learn English Grammar
For example this is my bag in the above sentence the word this is pointing to the bag which is mirrored that is my school in the above sentence the word that is pointing to the school which is not near okay children now let's all learn what are interrogative pronouns oh my what a big word that is an interrogative pronoun is used for asking questions like what which who whom and whose Learn English Grammar for example what are you doing which color do you want I'm sure you all keep asking questions all the time okay children now let's learn another pronoun a reciprocal pronoun a reciprocal pronoun is used to convey a two-way relationship with the help of words like each other and one another.
For example they help one another best friends share everything with each other children now let's learn about indefinite pronounce an indefinite pronoun refers to a person or thing in general but not to any particular person or thing some indefinite pronouns are all any sum none, for example, we did not see any of them again is anyone. there someone was sitting in my chair determines children determines aren't very very easy to understand. a determiner is a word that determines the noun the most common determiners area and dope, for example, a box for PO box and Apple drops the words a and though help the reader or speaker understand whether we refer to a specific person or thing, in general, a is used before the noun to make proper. nouns to common nouns and can be used in front of the word
Starting with the letters a e i o u which are vowels example account is a useful animal I want to eat an orange door is a definite article and is used for a particular person or a thing example he can play the game verbs children. verbs are of many types and are very very important so first let's understand the very simple form of works verbs are words or a group of words that refer to actions and sticks verbs are sometimes known as action words, for example, the girls were singing hurry is nothing here the words.
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Singing and laughing are showing action primary verbs are behave and do the following table explains the role of these primary verbs for example what is your name in this sentence the word is is the verb of B in simple present tense where were you in this sentence the word is the verb of B in the simple past tense the infinitive verb is the part of the work often used with the word to for example we eat to live birds love to sing participle works are of two types verbs with present participles formed with me n G, for example, a girl is carrying the basket we are standing in a queue verbs with past participles formed with using a D or e n, for example, I finished my work.
Rahm has given me a book regular verbs most of the words are regular verbs adding s and edgy at the ends to change their forms irregular verbs however there are some irregular verbs they have different ways of forming past tense and past participle the imperative verb the imperative verb is used to give orders instructions or to make suggestions, for example, please keep your mouth shut or open your books the imperative verb is made from the basic form of infinitive verb without using to the imperative form is only used when we are talking to another person an action verb refers to the actions or things that are happening regularly, for example, I do my homework every day or mom cooks the food for us every day the static verb refers to states of conditions, for example, I am a good boy I like to go to the garden.
Saying verbs refer to the words that express what be or other people speak like telling whisper-shout to say reply etc my grandmother tells me. a story at bedtime whispering is a bad habit a phrasal verb with a verb an adverb or a preposition gives special meaning the following sentence uses. Learn English Grammar phrasal verbs she keeps on crying dolly goes there daily a transitive verb means the action which passes over from the subject to the object, for example, the boy kicks the football.
The verb passes from the subject to the object spoke the truth the intransitive verb means that the action does not pass from the subject to the object, for example, the boy laughs loudly how do you do your the verb stays with the subject only tenses hey children
Tenses are so simple that they are connected to our speech and we use them while talking everyday children when verbs are present in different forms. We call them tenses a tense tells us about the time of the action that takes place whether it is happening in the past the present or in the future.
Let me explain this with the help of the same verb work in all the sentences present tense simple present tense this refers to actions and events that are taking place in the present and are happening regularly example he works hard present continuous tense this refers to actions and events that are happening now in the present. for example, he is working hard the present continuous tense as a formula you should remember the formula is simple present tense of D plus present.
Participle of the main verb formed by adding I ng to the verb past tense simple past tense. this refers to actions and events that have happened in the past, for example, he worked hard past continuous tense this refers to actions and events. that were happening in the past the formula for this is simple past tense of B plus present participle of the main verb formed by adding I ng to the verb example he was working HUD future tense this refers to actions and events that have not yet taken place but would happen in the future words like Will shall should go into.
I used, for example, he will work hard. the verb and subject agreed when we speak or write we must be sure that the verb and the subject used in our sentence agree with each other in person and in number this is known as an agreement care should be taken to see. Learn English Grammar that when the subject is singular the verb should also be singular for example Bobby dances very nice he reads the book when the subject is plural the verb should also be plural example paper and Tia are dancing very nice we are reading books model worms.
Hello children, my name is Dodo fufu has gone out and asked me to teach you what our model works some of the words use art as can could may should ought to must model words all models are used with other words to express meaning they express as ability possibility permission suggestion politeness and obligation can usually express ability or capacity permission can you lift this box he can work hard for his exams. Learn English Grammar can I come in good and might is used to express permission possibility and ability the noose might? to be true could I do it may is used to express permission possibility and impossibility it may rain tomorrow you may go now may not be true should is used to express duty obligation possibility children should obey their parents he should be in the office now what too is used to express33:49 obligation desirability and strong probability.
We ought to help him Daniel ought to win will is used to express request invitation or probability will you have tea that phone call will be from mom I think must is used to express necessity obligation determination we must do our lesson granny must be 19 years old so much to know we grow lots of things
so bye
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