Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Stay away from cancer with healthy food rezepte

healthy food rezepte

healthy food rezepte

Fighting with cancer is really tough. Cancer is such a disease that has no answer. But if it is detected at an early stage it can be controlled. Primarily eating healthy can help us stay away from cancer.
Our body regulates blood 24 hrs in a day, connecting the various muscles and organs. It plays a vital role in healing up our wounds with the cell division. It is also responsible for the growth of cancerous cells. But certain easily available food can fight against it to prevent the development of the cancer cells.

healthy food rezepte
30- 35 % of the environmentally caused cancer accounts for our diets. What food shall we add or deduct from our food habit to stay away from cancer? A natural cure is always better than any other option.

Foods that may fight with Cancer- healthy food rezepte

Nutritionist around the world recommends adding a lot of color to your food by having loads of fruits and vegetables in our daily diet. They act as a powerful antioxidant to protect our body from diseases. Fruits like berries, lemon, grapes, and pineapple etc fight against cancer. Research shows that mango can reduce the risk of gallbladder cancer by 60 %.

Vegetables like broccoli contain indole -3- carbinol and Sulphoraphane which has an anti-cancer effect. Apart from that pumpkin, tomato, garlic is also capable to prevent cancer.
healthy food rezepte

Adding turmeric in your dishes can have a strong anti-oxidant effect. It helps in liver detoxification process driving out all cancer-causing compounds from the body. So add some turmeric to your next meal and stay safe. healthy food rezepte

Adding one of these food items in your daily life can be fruitful. Examine the food value while buying or having food, be conscious. Stand against cancer by adopting a healthy food habit to live longer. healthy food rezepte
healthy food rezepte

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