Shhhhh, tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, drop, drop, drop, drop, drop, quack, quack.
Have you ever heard such sounds? I'm sure you would have but what do we call these sounds?
Do you know sounds have also got names?
Do you have a name? Ezekiel, Ruth, Regina, Ross,then why do you think sounds should not have names? Stay with me in this lesson, I'm your tutor for the day, Michelle and I'm going to teach you, names for everyday sounds.
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Learn Funny English words |
Let’s go. Let’s look at the first sound
Click, click, click, click, click, have you ever ordered anything with the click of a mouse? I have of course; so many times with the click of a mouse i have made some good orders. That’s what the sound is called. Just try and listen to it, this is called a click.
I'll write it for you here. The click of a mouse. I showed you which mouse are we talking about. The computer mouse not the other mouse. Let’s look at the next sound, zip, what is a zip? Have you ever fastened your clothes with a zip, I have of course I have fastened my clothes with a zip. A zip but how can you use it in a sentence.
I quickly fastened the clothes, I quickly fastened the zip of my dress and I was ready for the party. So you can use zip for fastening, which means to close something. Do you use twitter, yes you do. Do you know where does the name come from?
What is the sound of a bird called? When you wake up early in the morning and it's so pleasant and right outside your bedroom window, that sweet little bird makes that tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet sound, that's called a tweet.
Yes and what do you, when you write something on the twitter, those limited number of characters, they are called a tweet. That is actually a sound of a bird or a social media website for you. Sound of a bird. For example, last night I tweeted about Brexit.
You can use it like that. Let’s look at the next one, sizzle, sizzle, where do you hear that? Sizzle, sizzle, do you remember a barbecue? Out in the open and with some awesome steak on it and for some of you maybe veggies on the barbecue. When it's being cooked on open fire and the sound of the oil splattering over the steak is called sizzle, it can be used for barbecue. You know what; you can use it also to say that someone is looking very good.
You can say, you look sizzling today, which means they are looking very good or may be very hot, that's what it means. It’s related to hot. It can also be used for hot temperature. If it's very hot, then you could say, it's sizzling outside today, you can use it for temperature as well. Awesome isn't it? The same word, such a useful sound that you didn't know till now or may be some of you even knew it. Let’s look at the next one, sizzle fizzle. Is it same sizzle fizzle? Not really.
When you are having medicine and you have this medicine that you can dissolve into the water. and what happens? There’s a fizz there, it quickly starts dissolving. So the medicine as well. When you open an aerated drink you hear a fizzle or a fizz. For a medicine.
This is fun, isn't it?
We are learning names for different sounds. Let’s look at the next one. Murmur, murmur, murmur, murmur, what is murmur? When you cannot understand what someone is saying properly. Some words are coming out of their mouth and some words stay inside the mouth.
So if somebody says, I'm really sorry, what are they trying to do? They are trying to murmur to you. but can you believe them because they are not speaking it out loud so you could say, he said, he murmured, sorry, he murmured, I’m sorry, but I don't believe him because he didn't speak it out loud. So murmuring is when you don't speak something out loud. Just speak very slowly.
Don’t speak out loud. You know there are different words that you can use in place of murmur. What do you do when you are in the library? Do you murmur? Sometimes you murmur, sometimes you whisper. Whisper, yes talking like this is called as whispering. I'll write it for you here. Whisper and you know there's one ,more word that you can use. It’s almost like murmur so don't confuse it.
When you cannot hear what someone is speaking properly, you could say, mumble. He or she mumbled. So if you cannot hear what your friend is saying, then you could tell them, I'd be able to hear you better, if you stopped mumbling, right?
Let’s look at the next one, I'll just do a situation for you, I’ll just do an action for you instead, swoosh, what am I trying to do? I'm trying to put the basketball into the net, swoosh. Swoosh is when something cuts through the air, usually a ball or something like that and it makes that sound.
So swoosh.... the ball went into the net. If you are telling someone about the recent basketball match that you saw and you want to explain it, you air. Gargle, what happens when your throat goes sore, what does the doctor tell you?
The doctor tells you to gargle, but what is really gargling? Do you remember when you put the water in your mouth and there comes this boiling sound, of course there's not fire down there in your mouth and the water isn't boiling.
But it's just the sound of water boiling and that sound is called gargle, yes and you do it usually when your throat is sore, you do it with warm water and may be some salt, just to relieve the sore throat. I'm gonna write it as the sound of boiling water but not, it's not actually boiling.
Crip plunk, Crip plunk, Crip plunk... do you get to hear this sound when something breaks. Crip plunk, imagine you are about to sit on a chair. You sit on the chair and it collapses, what happens? It Crip plunks, Crip plunk the chair collapsed.
The sound when something collapses. Useful, isn't it when you wanna talk about something that has just collapsed. Let’s look at the next one, what happens when you have to just rush to the class and you have this platter full of food that you have to quickly eat, what do you do with the food?
Do you eat the food? Slowly and nicely and gently? No, you gobble the food, just very fast, very fast down in your mouth. That’s what you do when you have to eat the food quickly and also if you are eating pizza and it is your favourite. You just don't have the time to chew it. All you do is you just gobble. So when you gobble, you almost swallow the food and you chew it very less. Not a good habit, believe me, spend time on eating food, it'll make you healthier.
Eat the food without cut, cut,cut,cut chewing, that's called gobbling. Moaned, what is moaning? When you take your wife out for shopping and she's complaining the whole day, you don't take me out anywhere, we never go out and you finally decide, okay let me take her shopping today. You took her shopping and she's still complaining.
No I don't want that, I dont want you to buy this, blah,blah,blah, that sounds like moaning. That sound is called moaning when someone is complaining to you about something that they don't like. Not so good to moan, the sound of complaining. Ahh.. Just wait I heard a knock on the door, I heard a knock on the door. Yes, you hear a knock on the door, that sound when you khat, khat on the door, that sound is called knocking. Sound of hitting on the door.
But hitting very slowly, that sound is called knocking. You know what, do you also knock on the window? Do you know on the window with a glass? No you always, what do you do on the glass? You tap, not clap, I'm just trying to show you, you tap on the window and you knock on the door. So on the window, you tap. woo, woo,woo,woo,woo is that what you do when you go to the concert and you love that artist who is performing on the stage, woo, is that what you do?
I also do it, it's absolutely fine, that’s called hooting. But who hoots among the animals? You know who hoots? The owl, yes the owl hoots and sometimes humans also hoot and it's absolutely fine.
To hoot in a concert. Vroom, what happens when you're bike just stops working and you stop to repair it and you finally repaired it and you restart the bike, restart the bike, what kind of a sound is there? There is a loud vroom, that sound is called vroom. So when you are telling about an incident to someone, you can say that I repaired my bike and it started with a loud, vroom.
The sound mof an engine starting. Do you wash clothes in an automatic washing machine? I do that and what happens when the clothes are being washed and the machine is working all fine and suddenly it is on the loud noise, loud noise is coming out of the machine that it's working very well and it stops,vrrrrrrr, it goes slow.
That sound when a machine stops working is called vrring and the sound when a machine or probably an engine starts working is called vroom. Starts vroom, stops vred. The machine stopped working, stopped working.
Whoa this lesson was fun, isn't it?
You learnt so many awesome sounds that you can use in for more, I hope we'll have even more fun in our next lesson. I hope to see you again, till then you miss me and enjoy this, this is actually called onomatopoeia, scary word isn't it but the sounds were so much fun, you take care, bye.
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